
Basic information

First nameRequire
Middle name
Furigana Optional
Gender Require
Date of Birth Require
  • Year
  • Month
  • Day
Country residence Require
Email Require


Please enter an existing email address.

Phone number Require

Example: Country code/Phone number/Carrier: +63 2 8247 3023

Profile Picture

This will be seen from the employer, Formal picture is recommended

Profile Picture

Format: .jpeg, .png, .jpg, .gif, .svg

Consent to Submit Personal Information

K.K. Gratitude Factory

The following personal information that we receive from you will be handled in accordance to the standards of personal information set forth by our organization. Personal information will be properly managed and kept hidden from the public eye. Please read and understand the following regulations that our organization follows to keep your submitted information safe.

  • 1.) Purposeofuse
    • a.) Recruitmentandselectionprocessusage.
    • b.) Successful candidate’s documents will be used to assist with salary, tax, and insurance related operations.
  • 2.) Regardingthesubmissionofpersonalinformation.
    • a.) At no time at all will your personal information be submitted to a third party member for reasons other than legal issues or unless consent is granted from the individual.
    • b.) Yourinformation may be shared or consignedwithaprofessionalinthecasethataninquiryleadingtoan inspection arises.
  • 3.) Returningofapplicationdocuments
    • a.) In the case of rejection from our organization, or if the applicant chooses to decline an offer, collected personal information will not be returned to the applicant. It will be held until the end of the fiscal year. Please note that your personal information will be properly managed and disposed of.
  • 4.) Arbitrarypropertyregardingpersonalinformation
    • a.) All personal information submitted by the applicant is done on a voluntary basis. However, if our
    • b.) organization is unsatisfied with the information provided, the recruitment process may cease to progress.
  • 5.) Disclosureetc.requestsprocedure
    • a.) Should an applicant wish to submit a disclosure request, or to have any personal information previously submitted erased or edited, please contact the provided phone number.
  • 6.) Requestsandinformationregardingpersonalinformation
    • a.) Please refer all questions relating to disclosure, removal, or revision of personal information to the following contact listed below.

■ Gratitude Factory Co.,Ltd Personal Information Hotline

Palm Hatsudai 502 1-20-2 Shibuya-ku Honmachi Tokyo〒151-0071


I hereby agree to all terms and conditions stated above in regard to personal information.